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  为深入开展学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育,Comprehensively study, fully grasp and fully implement the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress,On the afternoon of October 19th,The first Party branch of the group company organized party members to watch the patriotic movie "Volunteer Army: Heroic attack".,Carry out the theme of "Learning ideology, strengthening Party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements" Party Day activities,旨在认真落实习近平总书记关于“用好红色文化,Tell the party's story well,Pass on the red gene "is an important directive spirit,We will guide party members to carry forward the spirit of the Red Revolution,Draw great spiritual strength,Translate thematic educational outcomes into practical action。

  The film tells the story of the early years of the founding of New China in 1949, when the country faced "internal troubles and foreign attacks"。Since the outbreak of the Korean Civil War, the US military has repeatedly provoked the border between China and North Korea, and civilians have been bombed。In order to maintain the hard-won peace and long-term stability for generations, in October 1950, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army entered the DPRK, and the war of "resisting the US and aiding the DPRK" kicked off。This is a "war of the whole nation" - the Korean battlefield, even if the military strength of the disparity, our army with heroic sacrifice in return for victory。

  In the film, from "born in this era, sacrifice is the price we must pay, you do not pay, son pay, grandson pay.。My generation, blood and mud, we pay。To the Chinese delegation at the United Nations in the sentence "times are different, the situation has changed, the Chinese people have stood up" and other lines made the scene watching the film we were moved。At the end of the movie, some party members said, "What years are quiet, but someone is carrying the burden for you?。I will cherish today's peaceful times and life more, and interpret extraordinary persistence in ordinary posts."。

  This viewing is not only a profound party history learning education, but also a spiritual baptism。The unbreakable faith of the heroes and martyrs and the spirit of unlimited loyalty to the Party and the country deeply touched every Party member present。Everyone said,We should fully learn and carry forward the spirit of resisting America and aiding the DPRK,Integrate patriotic feelings into daily work,Not afraid of difficulties, the courage to take responsibility,With high spirit and full of enthusiasm for work,Participate in the reform and development of the company,Contribute to the transformation and upgrading of the company and the successful declaration of the credit subject rating。