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  11月23日下午,欧洲杯官方买球网址第四党支部开展主题“党日”暨专题党课报告会,欧洲杯官方买球网址党委委员、副总经理范美霞作学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育专题党课报告。All Party members, active party members, youth members and some employee representatives of the branch participated。

  Party class report meeting,Fan Meixia to "feeling the great force of thought cohesion striving force" as the title,Through the "diligent thinking, understanding in the heart, practice in dry, clean in action" four aspects,It is emphasized that we should fully grasp the general requirements of thematic education,Highlight learning deep understanding,Give prominence to theoretical study,始终将习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想学习精、理解透、应用好,切实把习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想转化为坚定理想、锻炼党性和指导实践、推动工作的强大力量。

  范美霞指出,全体人员要认真领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的科学体系、丰富内涵、精神实质,自觉加强思想锻炼、提升党性修养,强化实干本领,努力在本职岗位上创造更多、更优业绩。It is necessary to consciously put the relevant requirements of theme education into their own work, and strive to offer suggestions for the development of the company, show the results of theme education with practical actions, and promote the early transformation and development of the group company。