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  On the morning of December 12th,Party branch of Jiangbei Port railway special line company held a party member meeting,传达学习了习近平总书记在12月8日中央政治局会议上的重要讲话精神;并组织传达了欧洲杯官方买球网址党委《2024欧洲杯下注平台》文件精神。All Party members, active party members and some young workers of the branch participated in the study。

  At the meeting, Zhang Yelai, secretary of the Party branch, made a party class report on the theme of "Adhering to the Party's innovation theory to condense the heart and cast the soul to promote the high-quality development of the Company"。

  张叶来指出,要坚持读原著、学原文、悟原理,充分认识习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重大理论和实践意义,真正做到以学铸魂。It is necessary to fully grasp the world outlook methodology of this important thought and understand the standpoints, viewpoints and methods that run through it, so as to truly gain wisdom by learning。It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the style of work, practice the basic skills of investigation and research, and truly realize to learn the positive wind。It is necessary to persist in learning, thinking and application, integration of knowledge, information and practice, comprehensively promote the high-quality development of the company, and truly promote work with learning。