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Group company to carry out "August 1" Army Day learning activities

Source: Party and Mass Work Department Release Time: 2019-08-01 Visits:

  On July 31, in order to actively create a strong atmosphere for the "August 1" Army Day, the Group company organized and carried out a series of studies for retired soldiers, Zhang Xinhua, secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, attended the activities, and the heads of relevant departments and all retired soldiers participated in the activities。

  During the activity, all the personnel learned the excerpts of the book series "Comprehensively Promoting National Defense and Army Modernization", watched the video lecture of Professor Jin Yinan of National Defense University on "Never Forget the original intention, and Always Achieve", and carried out interactive exchanges based on the learning content。

  Conference notes,Veterans are an honorable and special group,We should continue to strengthen the theoretical armed,Always be a sober, sensible and honest person in politics,To enhance the "four consciousness",Strengthen the "four self-confidence",Do "two maintenance",Unswervingly listen to and follow the Party,Demonstrate the good image of retired soldiers in the new era with practical actions。We must always bear in mind our duties and missions, inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the older generation of revolutionary martyrs, work actively, innovate, have the courage to innovate, and strive to be the most beautiful retired soldiers。It is necessary to always preserve the political character of the military, practically start from the side, constantly strengthen the mission responsibility, and contribute due strength to accelerate the construction of a modern, happy and beautiful new Tongling。