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Group companies to carry out national defense situation education and theme Party Day activities

Source: Party and Mass Work Department, General Management Department Release Time: 2020-08-15 Visits:

  In order to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the world anti-fascist victory and Japan's unconditional surrender, on the afternoon of August 14, the Group company organized a national defense situation education report and theme Party Day activities。Members of the group's Party Working committee, party branch members, party activists, retired soldiers and paired community party members participated in the activity, and Fang Jinsong, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee, presided over the report。

  Zhu Guorong, deputy commander of Tongling Military Division, was invited to make a guidance report on the analysis of the International Security Situation and the surrounding security situation。朱国荣围绕当前国际国内热点事件,从疫情下的国际变局变化和中美关系变化入手,运用大量的事例、翔实的数据,阐释了习近平强军思想、外交思想及当前我国周边安全形势。The report is rich in content and broad in vision, bringing a rich feast of national defense military knowledge to all Party members, cadres and staff of the Group company。

  Carry out this national defense situation education,Not only help the majority of party members, cadres and workers better understand the current international situation and development trend,And further strengthen the "four consciousness", enhance the "four self-confidence", and achieve "two maintenance".,At the same time, it also enhanced the knowledge and concept of national defense,Strengthened the sense of danger,To care about national defense, love national defense, build national defense, and defend national defense has become the ideological consensus and conscious action of the company。