2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Corporate culture

Group company to carry out staff autumn travel activities

Source: Party and Mass Work Department Release Time: 2021-10-25 Visits:

  In order to further enrich the leisure cultural life of employees, on October 24, the trade union of the Group company organized employees to carry out annual autumn tour activities in Fushan Scenic Area of Zongyang County。

  During the activity, under the explanation of the docent, everyone had a detailed understanding of the overall overview and cultural history of Fushan。In the main scenic spot, browse the caves hidden in the mountains - horseshoe cave, cliff stone carving group, Lei Gong Cave, Asia's first bridge - Renren Bridge and other attractions。In the process of climbing, everyone listened to the guide's introduction;While enjoying the beauty of Fushan Mountain, as if you have entered the fairyland on earth, very relaxed。

  Through the development of the autumn tour activities, not only enrich the amateur cultural life of the workers, but also have a deeper understanding of the culture of Zongyang Fushan。Everyone said that in the future work, they will devote themselves to their work with a more positive mental state and strive to contribute their due strength to promote the high-quality development of the group company。