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G3 Tongling Yangtze River Railway Bridge construction special scheduling meeting was held

Source: Shanghai Trading Group Release Time: 2022-08-11 Visits:

  On the afternoon of August 9, the G3 Tongling Yangtze River Highway and Railway Bridge construction special scheduling meeting was held in the conference room of the project Office。He Chenglong, deputy director of the headquarters office of G3 Bridge and Jiangbei Port Railway special Line Project, Party Secretary and chairman of the Municipal Investment Group Company, attended and presided over the meeting。Wang Shubao, Secretary of the suburban District Party Committee, Chen Laidi, Wu Liangwang, Li Yao;Tang Shicai, member of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of the Group company;Liu Xingfu, Project manager of G3 Bridge Project Department of China Railway Bridge Bureau, and Zhang Chi, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee, attended the meeting。

  At the meeting, the participants carefully listened to the progress of the project, and carried out on-site coordination on the difficulties and blocked points in the process of project promotion。

  G3 bridge starts at Huayuan Village, Chenyaohu Town, and ends at Democratic Village, Datong Town, with a total length of about 11.88千米。The upper part of the bridge is a six-lane expressway, while the lower part is a two-line passenger railway and a two-line freight railway。The main bridge across the river adopts a cable-suspension bridge with a main span of 988 meters, which is the first time in the world to adopt a kilometer long span steel truss bridge。

  On behalf of the District Party Committee and the district government, Wang first expressed his high respect to the project defenders under the high temperature and thanked them for their hard work and efforts in the construction of major suburban projects。He stressed that ideological understanding should be further improved。As the "first project" of Tongling City, the G3 bridge settled in the suburb, which is of great significance for the investment of fixed assets in the whole district, accelerating the integration into the Yangtze River Delta integration development, showing the new image of the suburb, etc., the whole district should effectively unify the thinking, with a sense of mission and a sense of honor to promote the work。Work should be intensified。G3 bridge project is a complex system project with long line and wide area。All relevant departments in the region should take the initiative to cooperate closely, increase the work of land approval, expropriation and demolition, and ensure that the construction of the project can continue to advance rapidly。Service guarantee should be further optimized。Departments at all levels should effectively improve their service capabilities and levels, do a good job in project tracking services, strengthen coordination and communication, continue to optimize the construction environment, accurately implement factor guarantees, and create good conditions for the smooth advancement of project construction。

  He Chenglong expressed his gratitude to the district Party Committee and the district government for their support to the construction of the G3 Tongling Yangtze River Highway and Railway Bridge。He stressed that from the aspects of element guarantee, construction optimization and project services, we should actively keep in close contact with the district government to ensure the timely completion of the project construction objectives and tasks。