2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Discipline inspection and supervision 

Company leaders to Lenton vehicle testing service to carry out research activities

Source: Discipline Inspection Committee of the Company, Comprehensive Department of the company Release Time: 2018-09-03 Visits:

  On the afternoon of August 30, Zhang Xinhua, member of the Party Working Committee and secretary of the Discipline Working Committee of the company, went to the Langton vehicle testing Service Office to conduct research on system construction and party building work。

  Zhang Xinhua and his delegation listened to the progress of party building work, trade union organization construction and production and operation work reports, and had heart-to-heart talks and exchanges with relevant responsible persons, party members and veterans。

  Zhang Xinhua's request,All rules and regulations should be perfected,And in the production, operation and daily management to be earnestly implemented and implemented;We must have strong political conviction,We will further strengthen the Party spirit,Strict discipline and observance of rules,Do know big know small, know glory know disgrace, know is know not;We should constantly strengthen the study of political theory,Consciously accept organizational education,Strive to improve their own party spirit cultivation,Always trust the organization, rely on the organization, obey the organization。Never forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, strictly demand themselves in accordance with the standards of party members, and effectively play the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members;We should cherish the honor of soldiers, show their characteristics, and be practitioners of maintaining social stability and unity.We should base ourselves on our own positions, set a good example, and provide new momentum for the reform and development of enterprises。