2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Department dynamics

  Focus on political guidance, pay attention to education, think clean, Enhance "immunity"。Implement the spirit of the Group company's "Implementation Plan for carrying out a New round of integrity Risk prevention and control work" document, leading cadres attach great importance to, actively mobilize, use meetings, self-study and other forms, and persistently carry out integrity education, guide employees to keep in mind the purpose, resist corruption and change, and ring the alarm bell。

  Focus on style construction, pay attention to standardization, integrity and keep the "responsibility field"。At key nodes and periods, the use of publicity columns to timely convey the work requirements of style construction, resolutely implement the eight provisions of the Central Committee and the provisions on integrity, consciously resist bad practices, correct the "four winds"。Timely sorting out risk points, prevention, to ensure that preventive measures in place。

  Focus on team control, pay attention to cadres integrity as a good "forest garden"。组织学习习近平总书记关于“党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争”的讲话精神,做到常抓不懈,严管队伍,紧密联系员工的思想实际,切实增强针对性和有效性,从根本上打牢拒腐防变的思想基础,营造清正廉明的工作氛围。

  Focus on the rectification of letters and visits, pay attention to environmental integrity and build a good "ecological park"。The first time to convey the learning group company letters and visits to maintain stability work meeting spirit。In the work, the stability maintenance work of letters and visits is placed in a prominent position, the main responsibilities are consolidated, the discipline is strictly enforced, the supervision of the masses is actively accepted, the transparency of the work is increased, and the demands of the masses are actively responded to。