2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Department dynamics

  On September 20, after the review and approval of the provincial Market Supervision Administration, Huaxin Testing Company officially passed the review of renewal, relocation and expansion。

  In this renewal of the extension of the review,The management and technical requirements of the expert group against RB/T214-2017 "General Requirements for the Evaluation of Inspection and Testing Institutions' Qualification Recognition Ability",Through on-site inspection, data review, discussion and field test and other assessment methods,The company's testing environment, management system operation, personnel composition, equipment and testing capabilities were strictly and seriously reviewed。During the review process, the expert group gave a high evaluation of the company's internal management, and put forward some opinions and suggestions on the operation of the quality management system, instruments and equipment, and testing capabilities。

  Pass this review,The company has optimized and integrated the original parameters,Based on the original 16 major items and 169 parameters,New steel structure and bridge inspection two major items,The expansion is adjusted to 18 items and 281 parameters,Greatly enhance the company's detection capabilities,To a greater extent, it meets the testing requirements and business needs of the company's engineering construction projects。

  The successful passage of the CMA certification renewal and extension review is a full affirmation of the company's testing service work。The company will take this review and expansion review as an opportunity to improve the operational awareness of quality system management, further standardize the testing service work, strengthen management, ensure the continuous improvement of test testing capabilities, and strive to build a high-level test testing service team to help the high-quality development of the Group company with practical actions。