2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Department dynamics

  The National Day holiday is coming,In order to effectively reduce the toll of trucks and vehicles,According to the spirit requirements of the document "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Transport on Preparing for the phased reduction and exemption of truck tolls on national toll roads",G347 Tanggou toll station first time deployment arrangement related work,We will promote the implementation of truck toll reduction policies in an orderly manner。

  Act quickly。Analyze and predict the changes in traffic flow during the reduction and exemption policy in advance, consolidate responsibilities, strengthen holiday duty, reduce the risk of congestion on G347 road, and do a solid job in maintaining smooth traffic and emergency work。

  Widely publicize。Use notice plates and other publicity methods to publicize the truck toll reduction policy to the majority of passengers, patiently communicate with the G347 past passengers, and do a good job in the publicity of truck toll reduction。

  Strengthen security。In order to ensure the traffic efficiency, check the toll equipment in advance to avoid congestion caused by the problem of the toll system, maintain the safe and orderly traffic order of the highway under its control, better serve the masses, and strive to create a safe and stable traffic environment。