2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Department dynamics

  On the morning of June 6, members of the poverty alleviation leading Group Office of the Group company successively went to Liuxi Village, Xiangpu Town, Zongyang County, Tongle Village, Laozhou Town, suburban, to visit and sympathize with members of the village-based investigation working group and express the Group company's cordial care for members of the village-based working group。

  Subsequently, the sympathy group carefully listened to the report of the village investigation working group on the work of poverty alleviation since its arrival, and fully affirmed the achievements achieved。It is hoped that the members of the village investigation working group will, as always, make persistent efforts to overcome difficulties, effectively change their work style, sink down, do solid work, and fully show the style of the investors while completing the established work tasks。