2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Department dynamics

  Before the flood season this year, the bus station of the transportation company according to the requirements of the superior documents, combined with the previous work experience, do a good job in advance of the flood season response work。Because the ground is higher than the waiting hall and the drainage ditch is shallow,The bus station is before the flood season,Organize personnel and allocate materials in advance,Sandbags will be placed at all entrances and exits of the first floor waiting hall to prevent rainwater flooding,The drainage ditch was dredged,The wires, switches and ticketing equipment of each ticket gate are carefully checked and uniformly raised,Another tens of meters of power lines are prepared for emergency use,Targeted organized a number of flood control drills,And increase the frequency of patrol of the staff on duty at night in bad weather。

  At noon on July 25, there was a convection weather such as wind and rain in our city。Due to the rapid rain, a large area of water occurred in the bus station, and overflowed to the ticket inspection channel outside the waiting hall, and the water potential hit the flood control sandbags and forced the waiting hall。In the face of this situation, the staff quickly launched the flood prevention emergency plan, immediately reinforced the sandbag, shut down all non-essential production electricity, arranged personnel to unified centralized management of waiting passengers, and organized evacuation at any time。

  As the rain weakened and the water gradually receded, the staff immediately took out the mop and broom that had already been prepared, cleaned up the water that permeated into the waiting hall, sprayed disinfection liquid, and did a good job of ventilation and elimination, and the production order soon returned to normal。In the next step, the bus station will continue to do a good job in the prevention and response to heavy rainfall weather, timely grasp the flood situation, strengthen analysis and judgment, make emergency preparations, strengthen driver safety education reminders, resolutely stop operations when they fail to meet safe operating conditions, and fully ensure the safe and smooth operation of the transportation industry during the flood season。