2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Department dynamics

  Strengthen propaganda and guidance, build a strong ideological dam。Issued "Anti-Waste Proposal",Vigorously promote civilized dining, put an end to waste consumption concept,We actively advocate a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon way of life and work,We will foster a good practice of practicing economy and opposing waste,Guide the majority of workers firmly establish waste shameful, saving glorious ideas,Create a social atmosphere where waste is shameful and saving is glorious。

  Strengthen the record of early warning, report not go through the motions。The company party members and cadres and public officials of the children study to carry out a survey,Create a file for reference,A total of 12 people participated in targeted heart-to-heart talks,We will further strengthen the self-discipline of party members and cadres,Resist illegal conduct of "college banquet" and other improper practices,Put an end to wasteful behavior such as good face, pomp and pageantry,Do not cross the line, do not step on the red line。

  Strengthen supervision and inspection, and the red line must not be touched。We will strengthen supervision and inspection by means of special inspections, random checks, open investigation and covert visits, and smooth channels for letters and visits,All departments and subsidiaries are required to adhere to their responsibility positioning,Take care of your own team,To educate party members, cadres and public officials in strict work discipline,Always be aware of your actions,Report any problems immediately,We will seriously investigate and punish violations of regulations,And the responsible person named a surname notice exposed,Continue to release a strong signal that discipline will become stricter in the future。