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  On the afternoon of February 1, the Party Working Committee of the Group company held the 2018 annual summary and commendation conference。A comprehensive summary of the Group's work in the past year in the fields of party building, Party conduct and clean government construction, transformation and development, project construction, precise poverty alleviation and cultural construction was made, and individuals, teams and units that made significant contributions were commended。Group company Party working committee team members, middle-level cadres and above and all employees attended the meeting。Zhang Xinhua, member of the Party Working Committee and secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, presided over the meeting。

  He Chenglong, secretary of the Party Working Committee and chairman, pointed out in his speech,In 2018, the Group company is in the beginning of the reform and development,All staff have fulfilled their mission,Overcome difficulties,Party building was consolidated and deepened,Grassroots party building has been fruitful,Party conduct, clean government and primary responsibility resonate with the same frequency,The trade union group activities were splendid,The management of affiliated enterprises is sound and standardized,The main credit rating was successfully completed,Effective prevention of financial risks,The "hematopoietic" function continues to improve,The construction of major projects proceeded in an orderly manner,More responsible for society,It has effectively promoted the high-quality development of the city's comprehensive transportation and its own transformation pace。

  He Chenglong asked that the New Year be regarded as a new starting point, a new task and a new challenge。坚定不移加强党的领导,深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,以抓党的建设为灵魂,统揽Project construction、改革发展各项任务。It is necessary to combine the main responsibility and main business, grasp the standardization construction of grassroots party construction, and create a state-owned party construction brand with Tongling trading characteristics。It is necessary to consistently strengthen the construction of Party style and clean government and anti-corruption work, vigorously create a "want to do something, will do something, do something, no accident" of the wind and clean atmosphere of business, and strive to create a model brand of discipline inspection work in Tongling。It is necessary to combine the 70th anniversary of the National Day, the construction of G3 Tongling Yangtze River Railway Bridge, the construction of G347PPP and other projects and the company's operation and development work, take "double innovation" as a breakthrough, and carry out the activities of "carrying forward the spirit of patriotic struggle and building a new era of contributions", and gather more positive energy of love, dedication and entrepreneurship。

  Zhang Xinhua pointed out that based on the new starting point, we should unswervably look at the general situation and seek the overall situation, take multiple measures to strictly control risks, take the initiative to improve the position and actively act, effectively achieve early detection, early prevention and early rectification, unite as one to fight the battle against risk prevention, and constantly build the "ballast stone" for the steady development of enterprises.。It is necessary to closely focus on transformation and development, take the initiative to adapt to the new situation and new changes brought about by the new normal of the economy, take "mass innovation" as the starting point, promote the continuous improvement of the development quality of the group company, the continuous improvement of efficiency, and the continuous transformation of power, and strive to achieve new breakthroughs in more industries and wider fields。

  会上,Fan Meixia, member of the Party Working Committee, deputy general manager and president of the trade union, read out the list of winners of the first staff sports meeting of the group company in 2018;Tang Shicai, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy general manager, read out the advanced unit and advanced individual commendation decision;Huang Yong, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy general manager, read out the outstanding contribution team and outstanding contribution individual commendation decision;The leading team of the Party Working Committee presented awards to advanced units, advanced individuals, outstanding contribution teams, outstanding contribution individuals and winners of the first staff games of the Group company。