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  On February 12, the Group company held the 2019 Spring training and "double innovation" work briefing meeting。Members of the Party Working committee team, cadres above the middle level, all employees of the organ, members of the subsidiary team and spokespeople of the subsidiary "double creation" attended the meeting。He Chenglong, secretary of the Party Working Committee and chairman of the board, presided over the first stage of the morning meeting and made on-site comments on the key work arrangements of the department heads in 2019 and the speech content of the "double and creative" ideas,Zhang Xinhua, member of the Party Working Committee and secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, presided over the second stage of the afternoon meeting,Mr Jackie Ho delivered a concluding speech at the end of the second session。

  He Chenglong pointed out that,In 2018, the Group company is in the beginning of the reform and development,In the joint efforts of all staff,Party building was consolidated and deepened,Excellent performance in discipline inspection,The cadre team has been fully trained,The quality of staff has been continuously improved,At the same time,Work hard to complete annual report maintenance,Successfully completed the company's main AA rating,Many by the company's main income overall floating red,The G347PPP project was successfully launched,G3 Tongling Yangtze River Highway and Railway Bridge and a number of key projects in the early stage of steady progress,There are many bright spots in poverty alleviation work,Effective prevention of financial risks,Trade union work is dynamic,It has effectively promoted the high-quality development of the city's comprehensive transportation and its own transformation pace。This meeting is not only a post-holiday retreat, start meeting, but also a work exchange meeting, ideological report meeting, aimed at gathering minds and adjusting the state。The whole meeting reflected a good atmosphere, the solid preparation of the speakers before the meeting, and the content of the speech at the meeting provided many "golden ideas" that could be implemented immediately for the Group company to accelerate the transformation and development of this year.。

  He Chenglong asked to "do" under the correct leadership of the Party Working Committee。加强国企党的领导,是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,是树牢“四个意识”,坚定“四个自信”、践行“两个维护”的具体体现。Party members and leading cadres should always maintain political concentration, consciously safeguard the authority and image of the Party Working Committee, and model the implementation of the decisions of the Party Working Committee。The majority of workers should be in accordance with the work of the Party working committee deployment, dedication, hard work。The Commission for Discipline Inspection should work hard in the supervision and enforcement of discipline penetration, penetration and drip irrigation, and escort the implementation of the decision-making and deployment of the Party Working Committee。The company should take "loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility" as the starting point of all work, and "be able to do things, do things, and do not have accidents" as the foothold of all work。

  He Chenglong stressed that it is important to lead dry, push dry, compare dry, and help dry。The key work of the company's reform and development should be grasped at one level, one level is responsible for one level, the leadership should take the lead, often go deep into the front line, guide the inspection and push the dry, the departments and employees should be compared to each other, and they should "take a hand" to help each other, and the division of labor is not divided。Keep in mind the eight sentences of "I admit I made a mistake", "you did a good thing", "What do you think", "let's do it together", "May as well try", "thank you", "we" and "you", carefully understand and apply them in practical work。Strictly prohibit layers of wholesale, buck-passing, roundabout tactics, to have the attitude of active obedience, through the improvement of style construction will reform and development work to depth。

  He Chenglong requires that we should stick to learning while doing。Always keep learning, learning in learning, focusing on learning financial knowledge and mastering national macro-economic policies, advocating learning with learning, leading learning, and striving to form a strong learning atmosphere in the company。We should be good at summing up, overcome a lack of knowledge, take the initiative of "jumping up and picking peaches", strengthen learning, and ensure that all work makes new progress。Use incentive mechanism to guide "Qian"。We should take institutional reform as the starting point, improve the assessment mechanism, respect knowledge, attach importance to ability, and recruit talents, so that those who want to work, can work, do things, and do not have an accident can benefit and be reused。To "do" around group company report maintenance。Combined with the transformation and development of the "five sectors" of the Group company, the use of "double innovation" activities as the starting point, revitalize the stock assets, optimize the asset structure, increase the total assets, cash flow, and revenue, and strive to transform resources into assets, assets into funds, and lay a solid foundation for the company's transformation and development and asset securitization。

  He Chenglong pointed out that we should do it with a grateful heart and an inclusive attitude.。The company always adheres to the emotional retention, career retention, treatment retention, environment retention, to be grateful for the decision of the municipal Party committee and the glorious cause of the comrades gathered together, through the learning of gratitude and then play the work passion and initiative, to contribute to the reform and development of the company。We should look at the shortcomings and shortcomings of others from the perspective of development, look at the advantages and strengths of others from the perspective of appreciation, give full play to the "complaining effect", and examine the problem from multiple angles and all-round。To use the concept of finance and innovation to "dry", to take the "double creation" report as an opportunity, especially the investment and financing department, asset management Department, planning and development Department, finance department, to have financial ideas and concepts, abandon the "cake" investment idea, tree firm "cake" financial concept to plan projects and operations。

  Zhang Xinhua pointed out that this year, the Commission for Discipline Inspection will combine the general requirements of the annual work of the municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and seriously implement the central and provincial and municipal work deployment on the construction of party conduct and clean government and anti-corruption。In combination with the annual work arrangement of the Party Working Committee, we will cooperate with and implement the relevant work tasks in the process of deepening reform, transformation and development。Combined with the summary of work in 2018,We will further promote and upgrade our work in 2019,Grasp the key points of supervision,Concentrate on the main responsibility,Consolidate the "stable" foundation, Find the "forward" direction,With greater force,We will unswervingly promote comprehensive and strict Party self-governance in the new era,The work of promoting oversight, discipline enforcement and accountability has become clear, focused, and resolute。Take the work of "double creation" as the starting point to provide disciplinary protection for the safe landing of new ideas and golden ideas。

  He Chenglong stressed that it is necessary to "do" around the construction of middle-level cadres.。At present, the reform and development of the company is in a critical period of climbing the slope and Rolling Stones going up the mountain. We must maintain an indomitable spirit of struggle and a strong sense of struggle。It is necessary to optimize the structure of the middle-level leading cadres, and to boldly use the "Li Yunlong" type cadres who dare to shine the sword in important posts, so as to provide a powerful force for the transformation and development of the company and overcome the difficulties。To the company's "double innovation" work as the first project to "do"。Immediately set up a leading group, carefully sort out the "double innovation" ideas that can be immediately transformed, study and introduce implementation measures, regular scheduling, and phased implementation。Go for it。Aim at this year's "Government Work Report" and SASAC assessment tasks,Check the table,Keep big projects firmly in hand,Regular scheduling is not blind,Detail decomposition target tasks,The month guarantees the season,On a quarterly basis,To ensure the successful completion of the reform and development tasks assigned to the company by the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal SASAC,To make all investment staff work more decent, better life and strive。

  会上,Members of the Party Working Committee, deputy general manager Fan Meixia, Tang Shicai, Huang Yong spoke on the work in charge and "double creation",The heads of various departments and subsidiaries of the agency reported on the key work and the ideas of "double creation" in 2019,Dong Guihua, Gao Yaqin, Wang Wei and other 15 comrades respectively reported on the idea of "double creation"。