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  The morning of July 15th,Group company to carry out "theme" Party day activities,在党工委班子领学《欧洲杯官方买球网址》的基础上,Innovatively launch ordinary Party members to learn the "Study Outline" in the "Party Day" activity,For the upcoming "Do not forget the original heart.,Remember the mission "theme education do" preview",Comprehensively encourage party members to clear the direction of progress from the new thinking and open up the situation of thinking,Truly to learn and think through, know the unity of faith and action。The leadership of the Party Working Committee all participate in learning activities as ordinary party members。

  During the activity, all Party members jointly studied the whole content of the second chapter of the "Study Outline", "The Fundamental Direction of Contemporary China's development and progress", which laid a deep theoretical foundation for strengthening the "Four self-confidence"。

  会议指出,要深刻领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,学深悟透精神实质、核心要义和丰富内涵。We need to raise our political standing,The "Four senses",Strengthen the "four self-confidence",Do "two maintenance",Take the lead in strengthening the study of political theory,Strengthen political integrity,Be an honest person who is loyal to the Party,Always tree discipline high voltage line, warning line,Be a "clean man",To enhance the initiative of the sense of responsibility,Forge the courage to bear,Focus on the overall situation of the company,Seek practical, practical and practical results,Be an insider。

  Meeting requirement,At present, the annual work has entered the "half of the competition" stage,To "do not wait for the whip from the foot.,Sweat and grab the spirit of the project,Follow the requirement of "half the time, half the task",The month guarantees the season,On a quarterly basis,Make sure the planned projects land early,The landing of the project early construction,The construction project reached production early,To establish a sense of learning,Adhere to the learning work, work learning,Think more, think more, learn more,Build a solid business knowledge base in continuous learning,Ensure the smooth progress of all work。