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  On the morning of July 19, the central group of the Party Working Committee of the Group Company held a seminar on theoretical learning and warning education of "warning, warning and reform with case as warning and case as warning"。He Chenglong, secretary and chairman of the Party Working Committee of the Group company, presided over the meeting, and members of the Party Working committee team, mid-level and above cadres of the organs, responsible persons of subsidiaries, staff members and party members participated in the meeting。

  会上,集中学习了习近平总书记在中央和国家机关党的建设工作会议上重要讲话精神、《2024欧洲杯下注平台》第十二部分“带领人民创造更加幸福美好生活”、第十三部分“建设美丽中国”及中共铜陵市委办公室关于开展“以案示警、以案为戒、以案促改”警示教育相关通知精神,The members of the team of the Party Working Committee have made exchanges and speeches on the thinking of warning education work of "warning by case, warning by case and promoting reform by case"。

  Conference notes,All personnel should resolutely maintain a high degree of consistency with the central, provincial and municipal committees,Deeply understand the significance of the warning education of "taking case as warning, taking case as warning and promoting reform",cross-file,Review and reflect,Do keep the original heart, take the mission, find the gap, grasp the implementation,The key tasks related to the reform and development of the Group company in the year and the next period,Do one thing at a time,Move forward item by item,To promote the implementation of major decisions and deployments of the central, provincial and municipal committees, and accelerate the construction of modern, happy and beautiful new Tongling, contribute more trading forces。

  Meeting requirement,All the cadres and staff of the company, especially the leaders in charge and the specific departments, should effectively establish the concept of ecological priority green development,Get out of the office,Lead the way,Scientifically planned,Do not engage in "reckless" activities,The general secretary's instructions and requirements are really closely combined with the superior deployment and the current company reality,To ensure that formalism and bureaucracy evil wind in Tongling trading no breeding environment and soil。We must firmly strengthen the party building and party leadership is the "root" and "soul" of state-owned enterprises this idea,认真学习习近平7月9日在中央和国家机关党的建设工作会议上重要讲话精神,In their respective posts, their respective work,The first to achieve the "two maintenance" as the primary task,Tongling traders with practical actions to interpret loyalty and clean responsibility。

  会议强调,要坚持不懈用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想武装头脑、指导实践、推动工作,切实做到认真读原著、学原文、悟原理。And closely combined with the upcoming "do not forget the original heart, keep in mind the mission" theme education and "three to case" warning education study seminar,Further enhance the "Four consciousness", firmly "four self-confidence", and achieve "two maintenance",在思想上政治上行动上同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致,We will work tirelessly to achieve a decisive victory in completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, win the great victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and realize the Chinese dream of great national renewal,Contribute to the strength of Tongling trading people。

  The meeting called for unswervingly strengthening the Party's political construction as the primary task of all work of the company's reform and development。It is necessary to take the quasi-political direction, cultivate the political ecology, prevent political risks, ensure that the reform and development of the company maintain the correct direction, and achieve positive results in preventing governance risks。In the face of some phenomena or signs that may exist in the process of the company's reform and development that shake the party's construction, hinder the company's transformation and development, and touch the bottom line of financial risks, etc,Have a high degree of consciousness to face the problem and the great courage to turn the knife inward,Pick up a weapon with an inward blade,Be brave enough to revolutionize yourself,All departments should focus on the main credit rating "AA+",Fill in the gaps,Be really focused,Scientific management is not blind。It is necessary to carry forward and inherit the glorious tradition and fine style of the Party, unify loyalty and mission, cleanliness and responsibility, diligent administration and clean government, and have the courage to pick heavy burdens, chew hard bones, and accept hot potatoes, so as to achieve the goal of making Tongling Trading Group Company better, stronger and bigger。