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  On the afternoon of September 20, the company organized a team to participate in the city's state-owned assets system "do not forget the original heart, keep in mind the mission" theme education and "learning powerful country" knowledge competition activities sponsored by the Municipal SASAC Party Committee。A total of 8 teams from Punong Group, Construction and investment Company, development and investment company, Hong Kong Investment Company and 24 players participated。

  比赛设置常规的必答题、抢答题、风险题等环节,考验选手们对党的历史、党规党纪的了解程度,以及习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的熟悉与掌握。The players responded calmly and answered calmly on the field. After nearly 2 hours of competition, the players of our company performed well in the activity and achieved the third place in the total score。

  通过本次竞赛有效检验了公司党员对党的知识及习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的掌握程度,切实在公司内营造了崇尚学习的良好氛围。After the game, everyone said that the competition was novel and organized in place。通过竞赛,对党的知识和习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想有了更加全面深刻的认识,在今后的工作、生活中一定会进一步强化理论学习,坚决做到知行合一,努力为国有资产保值增值做出新的更大的贡献。