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  On the morning of December 4, the Party branch of the Group's organs held the "do not forget the original heart, keep in mind the mission" theme education theme organization life and democratic review Party members' conference。The team members of the Party working committee of the company all participated in the meeting as ordinary party members。

  In order to open a good quality of this thematic organization life, the Party branch of the company strictly in accordance with the requirements, carefully do a good job of study and discussion, talk, self-analysis, writing materials and other pre-meeting work, and fully prepare for the meeting。The meeting closely focused on the theoretical learning of the harvest, ideological and political baptism, officers dare to take on entrepreneurship, to serve the people to solve problems, as a model of honesty and integrity,Party branch members and Party members check the Party Constitution and Party rules, the "Guidelines" and the "Regulations" to find out the problems, the problems reflected by the masses, and the problems pointed out in heart-to-heart talks,Put yourself in there,Put the responsibilities into it,Put your work in there,Dare to take up the weapons of criticism and self-criticism,Make your problems clear,Be specific about your criticism,Achieved the red face sweating, detoxification treatment effect。At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of the democratic evaluation of party members, the comrades at the meeting conducted a democratic evaluation of each party member by secret ballot in accordance with the four levels of excellent, qualified, basically qualified and unqualified。

  He Chenglong, secretary of the Party Working Committee and chairman of the board of directors, made comments on this special organization life。He pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the study of political theory and business knowledge, constantly master new knowledge, familiar with new fields, open up new horizons, and achieve new progress。It is necessary to be a good "flag", take the lead in following the example, strictly demand themselves with higher and stricter standards, and give full play to the role of vanguard model of Party members。It is necessary to focus on the center, serve the overall situation, focus on the main business of the company, effectively integrate the party building work and business work, and strive to be close to life, close to reality, close to the people's heart, and contribute due strength to actively promote the reform and development of the company。