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  Spring to the copper capital singing, full of blessing to exchange Vientiane new。On the afternoon of January 16, the 2020 Spring Festival staff cultural and sports activities of the Group Company were brilliantly staged。The team members of the Party Working Committee and all the staff of the trading group watched the performance together。

  Before the event, He Chenglong, secretary of the Party Working Committee and chairman of the group company, delivered an enthusiastic speech。He points out,2019年,The whole company does not forget the original heart, keep in mind the mission,All work in reform and development was accelerated,Party building was consolidated and deepened,Grassroots party building, party conduct and clean government work in the same direction as the main business,News of the progress and construction of major projects has been repeated,Effective prevention of corporate risks,The "hematopoietic" function continues to improve,Company management is more standardized,Trade union activity was spectacular,Corporate culture has emerged,It has effectively promoted the high-quality development of the city's comprehensive transportation and its own transformation pace。

  Ho Chenglong request,In 2020, we need to take the lead in party building,Continuously create a new situation in the party building work of state-owned enterprises,We will continue to improve the corporate governance structure of modern enterprises,Give full play to the role of gatekeeping and orientation;We must pay close attention to building up the ranks,Forging can carry heavy work good to fight hard,Focus on loyalty, cleanliness and commitment,We will improve strategic planning for enterprise development,Formulate (medium - and long-term) plans for employee education and training,Accelerate talent discovery and training;Keep your eyes on the key,We will continue to consolidate and improve our ability to prevent risks,Focus on construction, investment and business,Promote the construction of party style and clean government of the group company to extend to the grassroots and frontline;We should focus on reform and development,Vigorously promote project construction and its own transformation。Press ahead with the construction of key projects such as Jiangbei Port Railway special line, G347PPP, G236 Qingtong River Bridge, and strive to start construction of G3 Railway bridge this year。

  At 16:30, the activity kicked off in the chorus "Yearning", and the passionate singing instantly infected everyone in the place。The songs "Into the new era", "the world is linked with you", "the most true dream", "the story of time" and other programs show the yearning and longing of all employees of the Group company for a happy new life in the future。

  "Three and a Half", crosstalk "Enigmatic Man", humorous drama "Little Man Dance" and other shows won the applause of the audience, and pushed the whole event to a climax。 The self-written and self-performed clean government culture program poetry recitation "Gentlemen of Heaven and Earth", with the art form of clean government, clean and family style, makes the clean government culture deeply rooted in people's hearts, and achieves the purpose of persuading clean people through art and entertaining。The stage play "Tianfang Night" interprets the difficulties encountered by the Group company in the process of promoting major projects in the city, and the arduous course of smooth promotion of the final project。The whole event ended with a chorus of "We Are All Dreamers"。Beautiful notes, euphoric melodies, cheerful songs and dances, wonderful skits, telling the story of their children。

  After the performance, the leaders of the Party Working Committee of the Group company also took a photo with all the staff。