2024欧洲杯下注平台 > News center

  On the morning of August 24th,He Chenglong, secretary and chairman of the Party Working Committee, presided over the expanded meeting of the Party Working Committee,传达学习习近平总书记考察安徽时的重要讲话指示精神和总书记在扎实推进长三角一体化发展座谈会上的重要讲话精神以及省、市委常委会扩大会议精神,Study and deploy the group company to study, publicize and implement the work。Members of the Party Working committee of the Group company, middle-level and above management personnel of the group, and team members of each subsidiary company attended the meeting。

  何成龙指出,要提高政治站位,充分认识习近平总书记考察安徽的重大历史意义、战略意义、政治意义、实践意义,切实做到“两个维护”。欧洲杯官方买球网址全体职工要牢记习近平总书记的亲临安徽考察重要讲话指示精神,自觉把讲政治贯穿于党性锻炼、业务工作、发展实践的全过程,听党指挥跟党走。It is necessary to effectively put the tree firmly "four consciousness", firmly "four self-confidence", and achieve "two maintenance" in real actions。要将讲话精神作为贯穿公司改革发展一切工作的灵魂和主线,从总书记提出的一系列新理念新思想新战略中找到解决问题的答案、办法,从而用实实在在的发展成果彰显习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的磅礴伟力。

  He Chenglong required that we should have the courage to work hard and take on the responsibility to implement the high-quality development of Tongling comprehensive transportation and the transformation and development of the group company。It is necessary to expand effective investment and accelerate project construction as an important starting point of the "six stability" and "six guarantees", in the remaining four months of this year to do a good job of the annual work, and do everything possible to complete the annual goals and tasks。We must give top priority to key projects,The team members of the Party Working committee and the main persons in charge of various departments and subsidiaries must take the lead,In-depth project site,Coordinate to solve the bottleneck problems restricting project construction,To lead and drive the formation of a good atmosphere for large-scale projects and large-scale projects;meanwhile,Plan the layout around the 14th Five-Year Plan,Actively grasp the important window period,Focus on the main responsibility of the company,We will further increase the size of reserve projects,Establish project reserve library;To build up cash flow,Provide strong support for group company report maintenance。It is necessary to put the transformation and development in an important position, take the initiative to docking, make good use of the major projects in the company's hand, further deepen the transformation and development, and achieve the company's own benefits while driving the Tongling Investment index。It is necessary to firmly grasp the concept of financial work, accelerate the realization of the main credit rating of "AA+", and achieve the double-layer breakthrough of the group's financing ability, level "quantity" and "quality"。要把党的建设作为工作引领,进一步加强公司党的政治建设,引导广大干部职工自觉用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想武装头脑。It is necessary to carry out the style construction throughout the whole process, and use the "style construction year" activity of the Group company to create a refreshing political ecological environment for the reform and development of the company。

  He Chenglong stressed that it is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, and quickly set off the upsurge of learning, propagating and implementing the spirit of the General Secretary's important speech instructions。To take the lead and take the initiative to learn, the team members of the Party Working committee should give full play to the role of the "key minority" and do a good job of demonstration and driving。To comprehensive systematic study, the use of the company's official website and other news media three-dimensional propaganda, solid promotion of learning into the organ, into the project front line, into the subsidiary, into the contact community, team members to carry out propaganda, send the party class activities, to ensure that the general Secretary's speech spirit is timely and accurate to the grassroots。要融会贯通学,将“大学习、大宣传、大贯彻”与全面贯彻落实党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会精神结合起来,与学习贯彻《2024欧洲杯下注平台》一、二、三卷贯通起来,做到真学真懂真信真用。It is necessary to contact the actual study, carefully compare the General Secretary's important speech instructions, do a good job in the implementation of the "six stability", "six guarantees", and "better integration into the Yangtze River Delta integration", and ensure that the spirit of the General Secretary's important speech instructions takes root and bears fruit in Tongling。