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  On the morning of December 24, the Group company, together with the Municipal Commission Office and G3 Bridge Project Department, held a party member's "political birthday" activity。Hu Qishu, member of the Standing Committee and Secretary-General of the Municipal Committee, Ji Yuehua, Deputy general manager of the China Railway Bridge Bureau, Fang Jinsong, Deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Group company, Zhang Xinhua, member of the Party Committee, deputy general manager Fan Meixia participated as ordinary party members。

  G3铜陵长江公铁大桥是我市贯彻落实习近平总书记考察安徽重要讲话精神、着力推动长江经济带发展战略的重要举措。Hu Qishu and his party went deep into the construction site, checked the construction progress on the spot, and listened to the overall introduction of the project。In G3 Tongling Yangtze River Railway Bridge south shore trestle pier, all party members under the leadership of oath takers, facing the bright red Party flag, review the oath to join the party。Subsequently, Hu Qishu and Ji Yuehua jointly sent a "political birthday" gift to some party members' representatives。

  The great revolutionary cause cannot be achieved without the perseverance and continuous struggle of generation after generation of Communist Party members。After watching the video of the G3 Tongling Yangtze River Railway Bridge together, four Party members from the Municipal Party Committee office, the group company and the G3 Bridge project Department shared their experience and journey to join the Party, which further inspired all party members to not forget the original intention, the belief and passion of doing business。

  Everyone unanimously said that they will always keep in mind the purpose of the Party, based on the actual position, brave to be the pioneer of The Times, and strive to contribute new and greater strength to the construction of "four and two highs" modern and happy Tongling。