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  On the afternoon of January 28th,The Party committee of the group company held a democratic life meeting on Party history learning and education,Party Secretary, Chairman He Chenglong presided over the meeting and stressed,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话指示批示精神,Comprehensively implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, provincial and municipal committees,Raise political standing,Develop strong political skills, work style and mental state,Loyal and dutiful, strive to be first,Accelerate the transformation and development of the group company,With excellent results to meet the Party's 20 victory。

  The Party committee of the Group company attaches great importance to the success of this thematic democratic life and makes solid preparations。班子成员深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,认真学习习近平总书记关于党史的重要论述,跟进学习习近平总书记在党的十九届六中全会、庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会等重要讲话精神,Conscientiously study the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's 100-year Struggle, and the relevant requirements of the Party Central Committee, provincial and Municipal committees on democratic life。Take the form of written solicitation, extensively listen to the opinions and suggestions of all aspects, in-depth talk, in-depth review and analysis of problems, carefully write inspection materials, see people see things see ideas, and do detailed preparatory work。

  会上,The Party Committee of the Group company informed the Party committee of the 2020 annual democratic life and the central inspection and rectification of the topic of democratic life,He Chenglong represented the leading team as a control check,The outstanding problems are investigated from five aspects,The ideological origin of the problem is deeply analyzed,And put forward the concrete rectification measures from five aspects。Then, He Chenglong for personal control inspection, team members in turn。After each comrade spoke, other comrades immediately criticized him。

  After listening carefully to everyone,He Chenglong pointed out that,This democratic life will have a clear theme, standardized procedures and rich content,The preparation before the meeting, the special study, the solicitation of opinions, and the writing of the check materials are serious and adequate,Problem investigation, reason analysis, self-criticism, mutual criticism, and rectification of symptoms are profound and pragmatic,A high-quality democratic life。It is necessary to do a solid job in the "last half of the article", adhere to ideological problems and work problems together, and ensure that the account is closed and the rectification is cleared。

  He Chenglong asked to improve the political position, and constantly cultivate the party spirit。Highlight the "two principles",We will unswervingly strengthen political development,Mind the "two big picture", the great heart of the country, and the people of the country,Constantly improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution,We must arm our minds with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Regularly promote the study and education of Party history,Earnestly sum up experience,Consolidate and expand the achievements,Make good use of red resources and Party history resources,Make good use of the good mechanism formed by the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses",Promote the normalization and long-term development of Party history education。

  He Chenglong stressed that it is necessary to strengthen learning and realize the requirements of the new era。2022 is a key year for the Group to expand and strengthen its main business, reform and development,To strengthen the study of professional knowledge,Systematic planning of all work,We will be more results-oriented and problem-oriented,With strict style, real measures, fighting posture, fast pace resolutely shoulder the task goal,Vigorously create a strong atmosphere of responsibility and implementation。

  He Chenglong pointed out that we must pay close attention to implementation to ensure that the problem is rectified in place。To review the analysis of the problem list, the establishment of the leading team and leading cadres personal rectification list, rectification list to clarify the rectification matters, rectification measures, rectification time limit, all team members to actively rectify the problem, and strive for effectiveness, rectification of the situation under the supervision of party members and the masses。