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  To strengthen the construction of ecological and environmental protection,Improve the environmental protection awareness of construction personnel,On the morning of June 2nd,Tang Shicai, general manager of Tongling Yangtze River Railway Bridge Investment Co., LTD., announced the World Environment Day promotion activities at the G3 Industrial Workers' Lecture Hall,The whole process construction management service project Office, highway approach bridge and connection section supervision project department, environmental protection and water and soil conservation technical consulting project department, China Railway Bridge Bureau G3 Bridge project management Department and more than 100 employees participated in the activity。

  At the World Environment Day event,Zheng Bangyou, a finless dolphin conservation expert, combines his nearly 40 years of experience in finless dolphin conservation and scientific research,With detailed videos and photos,The basic characteristics, rescue points and transportation methods of Yangtze finless porpoise were introduced to the participants,Environmental brochures were distributed on site,Effectively improve the environmental awareness of G3 railway bridge construction personnel。

  Tang Shicai said,The city trading group is in the process of promoting the construction of major infrastructure projects such as G3 railway Bridge,We have always firmly implemented the new development philosophy,Put "green bridge building, green bridge building" in the first place,Construction practice ecological green concept,To minimize the impact on the environment,Realize harmonious coexistence between man and nature,Promote Tongling economy to achieve high-quality development。

  The successful completion of this event will lay an important foundation for the signing of the memorandum of Understanding of the G3 Railway Bridge sovereign loan project of the new Bank。