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  To further establish the concept of safe development,We will strengthen the development of a safety and quality management system,According to the document requirements of the "Notice on carrying out the National" Quality Month "activities in 2022" (State Municipal Regulatory Quality FA (2022) 76),9月6日,Huang Yong, member of the Party Committee and deputy general manager, presided over the mobilization meeting for special activities on quality and safety。Group company chief engineer, Jiangbei Port railway special line company chairman, general manager Zhang Yelai, Group company planning development, engineering management, safety production leading group office and subsidiaries, project related person in charge attended the meeting。

  会议传达学习了习近平总书记、李克强总理关于安全生产的重要指示批示精神和市委、市政府领导有关讲话要求,通报了近期几起安全生产事故调查报告,并分析研判了当前安全生产风险。Subsequently, the person in charge of the engineering Department read out the "Quality Month" and special "Inspection month" activity plan of the Municipal Trading Group in September 2022.。

  The meeting pointed out that September this year is the 45th "Quality Month" in the country, and the theme of the event is "Promote quality reform and innovation, promote the construction of quality power".。Recently, all kinds of accidents have occurred across the country, and the overall situation of production safety is very serious。Coincining with the upcoming 20th Party Congress, all units should improve their political position, always tighten the string of social stability and safety production, and actively take this activity as an opportunity to grasp the security and stability of the work。

  The meeting required that first, we should strengthen the awareness of safety and implement the main responsibility。Put the fifteen hard measures for safe production in place, in accordance with the work requirements of the Party Central Committee "The epidemic should be prevented, the economy should be stable, and the development should be safe", firmly hold the bottom line of safety, always maintain high vigilance, and resolutely prevent all kinds of accidents。Second, we should focus on key areas and comprehensively strengthen management and control。All subsidiaries and projects should sort out major danger sources, comprehensively and deeply investigate potential security risks in various fields, highlight key points, strengthen classification and precision management, and achieve whole-process tracking and closed-loop management。Third, we must make unremitting efforts to implement epidemic prevention measures。Regular disinfection of public places, strict registration of foreign workers, new construction sites, must strictly implement the epidemic prevention and control policy。In particular, during the "Mid-Autumn Festival" and "National Day" two sections, the flow of personnel is large, and the work of personnel is strengthened and the report is strictly implemented。Fourth, we must pay close attention to letters and visits to maintain stability and enhance political acumen。Take the maintenance of stability in letters and visits as an important political task at present, earnestly fulfill the political responsibility of "safeguarding national political security and ensuring overall social stability", and create a safe and harmonious atmosphere for officers and entrepreneurs。