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  On May 13, the company organized more than 40 Party members and employees under the leadership of Comrade He Chenglong, secretary of the Party Working Committee and chairman of the company, to carry out the theme Party Day activities of "remembering revolutionary martyrs and revisiting the oath to join the Party" in the Martyrs' Cemetery in the southern Anhui Incident and the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army in Yunling County。

  In the cemetery square of the martyrs of the southern Anhui Incident in Jing County, all the personnel lined up to present flower baskets and bow to the martyrs of the southern Anhui Incident。Comrade He Chenglong, secretary of the Party Working Committee and chairman of the company, led all party members to face the bright red Party flag and the magnificent martyrs monument, raised his right fist to solemnly swear and review the oath to join the Party。Then they paid their respects to the memorial of the martyrs of the southern Anhui Incident, the tomb of the unknown hero and the stele gallery。

  In Yunling New Fourth Army military site memorial hall,Listen carefully to the interpreter,Look at pictures, objects and historical materials patiently and carefully,Relive the Anti-Japanese War experience of the New Fourth Army,While feeling the "Iron Army spirit",I personally experienced the noble and great revolutionary dedication of the martyrs,In the depths of the soul by a profound party spirit and spirit of the double baptism。

  Through this themed Party Day activity, comrades received a profound education in revolutionary tradition。Everyone said that in the future work, we will cherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs with more solid work, comfort heroes and martyrs, learn from revolutionary predecessors, do not forget the original heart, keep in mind the mission, forge a strong work style with the "iron army spirit", and make unremitting efforts for the company to achieve stronger, better and bigger。