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  On the evening of April 6, concrete began to be poured on the lower beam of the north main tower of G3 Tongling Yangtze River Railway Bridge, the world's first steel girder cable-suspension cooperative system bridge built by China Railway Bridge Bureau。The construction of the main tower of the bridge ushered in a key node, laying a solid foundation for the next step of the tower column construction。

  If the steel beams of the bridge are likened to a pole, then the lower beams of the two main towers are the two "shoulders" that lift the pole.。"Our job now is to build a strong 'shoulder' for the bridge to ensure that it can 'withstand' the continuous flow of traffic on the bridge deck in the future.。China Railway Bridge Bureau G3 Tongling Bridge project Department, deputy chief engineer Zou Duan introduced。

  How wide is the "shoulder" of the world's first steel girder cable-suspension bridge?Zou Duan said that the lower beam of the main tower of the bridge is a prestressed concrete structure with a single box and single chamber section, and the beam length is 39.5米,宽11.5 meters, 8 meters high, web thickness on both sides 1.5 meters, top plate thickness 1 meter, bottom plate thickness 1.2 meters, a total of 86 beams of 19-φs15 in the whole section.2 mm prestressed beam。

  A total of 2,281 cubic meters of concrete were needed to build such a massive "shoulder", which was poured in two layers。"Tower column construction is the first 9-meter segment intelligent hydraulic climbing die,The single pouring height of the main tower of the bridge has been jumped from the traditional 6 meters per section to 9 meters per section,Not only save a lot of steel joints,In addition, the construction time is reduced by 12 rounds compared with the construction of 6 meters section,The construction efficiency is improved,This is a milestone breakthrough in bridge construction technology!"China Railway Bridge Bureau G3 Tongling Bridge project Department, deputy manager Shen Jianyu introduced。

  In order to ensure the smooth pouring of the lower beam, the project Department organized experts to conduct several studies, carried out detailed safety and technical disclosure, ensured the material supply, strictly controlled the checkpoints, and provided comprehensive guarantee for the smooth completion of the lower beam construction task。

  G3 Tongling Yangtze River Railway Bridge is invested by Tongling Communications and Investment, designed by China Railway Bridge Survey and Design Institute, and constructed by China Railway Bridge Bureau Group Co., LTD. It is an important project for Tongling to base on the Yangtze River Economic Belt and accelerate the integration into Hefei metropolitan area and the Yangtze River Delta。After the completion, it is of great significance for building a copper development belt, comprehensively promoting the construction of international cultural tourism demonstration zone in southern Anhui, accelerating the coordinated development of regional economy, strengthening the interconnectivity of the Yangtze River Delta, and building a modern comprehensive transportation system。