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  9月27日上午,市2024欧洲杯下注平台党委学习贯彻Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era主题教育读书班第一次集中学习开班。Party Secretary and Chairman Wu Shiwei attended the opening ceremony and made a mobilization speech, the opening ceremony was presided over by Deputy Party secretary and general manager Long Daoning, and other party committees attended the ceremony。

  Wu Shiwei pointed out,Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,It is contemporary Chinese Marxism and 21st century Marxism,It is the essence of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit,We should deeply understand the truth and practical power of this important thought,Deeply understand and grasp the historical status and regularity of this important thought,Systematically grasp the rich connotation of this important thought,Strengthen political identification, ideological identification, theoretical identification and emotional identification,切实推动Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era入脑入心、见之行动。

  Wu Shiwei requires that we should learn systematically and comprehensively, persevere in learning good theme education "required reading subjects" and "selected reading subjects", and accurately grasp the world outlook, methodology and stance methods。It is necessary to study deeply and persistently, overcome complacency such as "learned" and "almost", think more and learn through, and realize the transformation from scattered learning to systematic learning。It is necessary to combine the actual study, adhere to the problem-oriented, learn while learning, learn while changing, find problems, make up for shortcomings, and know why。

  吴世伟强调,要实现以学铸魂,坚持不懈用Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era凝心铸魂,从思想上正本清源、固本培元,不断提高政治判断力、政治领悟力、政治执行力。It is necessary to increase wisdom by learning, draw wisdom and strength from it, master the positions, viewpoints and methods contained in it, and find the customs clearance code to overcome difficult points, solve contradictory problems, prevent and resolve financial risks, and promote high-quality development。It is necessary to realize the positive wind of learning, the wind of investigation and research, and promote the investigation and research to go deep, to go to the strength and to go to the heart。To achieve learning to promote dry, adhere to learning and thinking through, the unity of knowledge, faith and practice, theory as a method, thought as a way of thinking, pressure to forge ahead, fast push fast forward to promote implementation, and promote the cause of trading to a new level。

  The middle management cadres of the group company, the principal persons in charge of the subsidiaries, the party branch secretaries and party members representatives attended the opening ceremony。