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  11月22日下午,市2024欧洲杯下注平台党委To study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era主题教育专题党课报告会举行。欧洲杯官方买球网址党委书记、董事长吴世伟以“To study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,为推动2024欧洲杯下注平台高质量发展提供坚强保障”为题作专题党课报告。Fang Jinsong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the company, presided over the meeting, members of the party committee team attended the meeting, middle-level and above management, the main responsible person of the subsidiary, the party branch secretary, party members and youth representatives attended the meeting。

  吴世伟在报告中指出,习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,回答了“马克思主义往何处去、中国往何处去、中国共产党往何处去”的重大问题。To study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,We must always unswervingly uphold the leadership of the Party,Deeply grasp the significance of "the combination of the two",Do not only observe the reality, solve practical problems,Look back to history and draw spiritual strength,才能更好理解习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想如何赋予马克思主义鲜明的实践特色、民族特色、时代特色。

  Wu Shiwei stressed that it is necessary to enhance the level of ability in the integration of knowledge and action, and strive to work hard in casting soul by learning, increasing wisdom by learning, and promoting dry by learning, so as to achieve real results in promoting development。Insist on learning to cast the soul, is to build the soul of faith, loyalty, the soul of the people, from the ideological original source, solid, build the foundation of faith, supplement the calcium of the spirit, steady the rudder of thought。Adhere to learning to increase wisdom, to improve political ability, everything from the political control;To enhance the ability of thinking, always grasp the scientific thinking method;To improve the practical ability, everywhere reflect the professional quality。Adhere to the positive style of learning, let pragmatism become a distinctive character, let honesty become moral integrity, let frugality become an important virtue;Adhere to the learning to promote dry, to tree firmly benefit the people's performance concept, full of the spirit of doing business, to form a good situation to pay close attention to implementation。

  Wu Shiwei required that we should build new achievements in creating a new situation of high-quality development of work。It is necessary to always focus on the theme of education to go deep and practical, continue to work hard in theoretical learning, practical work in investigation and research, see the truth in promoting development, and seek practical results in reviewing and correcting。We must take the lead in planning and preparing for next year's work,Deeply grasp project planning,Focus on financial risk prevention, the pursuit of economic benefits, transformation and development, and the construction of the "AA+" theme, accelerate the progress of work, and promote the implementation of the fine;We must pay close attention to attracting projects,Focus on the science and innovation industrial park "investment belt", the new energy sector "resource attraction" and other ways,Attracting a number of projects with large quantity and high quality landing in Tongling,To contribute to the development of local economy。We must take no steps to fully and strictly govern the Party,Based on the "loyalty, clean, responsibility" corporate culture concept,Enhance the awareness of integrity and self-discipline,The spirit of ownership and sense of collective honor,To dare to think and dare to do, dare to break and dare to stand, dare to fight and dare to break and dare to try,Stimulate the entrepreneurial work passion of the officers,Strive to create a new situation in the transformation and development of trading。