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  1月12日下午,市2024欧洲杯下注平台召开党委学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育专题民主生活会。Vice Mayor Yang Rusong, deputy leader of the Third Liaison Group on Theme education of the Municipal Committee Gu Dawei attended the meeting to guide。The meeting was chaired by Wu Shiwei, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the Group company, and members of the Party committee of the Group company participated in the meeting。

  In order to make this special democratic life a good one, the Party Committee of the Group company attaches great importance to it ideologically, takes it seriously politically, and is fully prepared for it in action。Before the meeting, the members of the Party committee of the company through the combination of concentrated learning and personal self-study, carefully self-study learning materials, and lay a solid foundation for a good thematic democratic life。At the meeting, everyone carried out a comparative inspection around the learning theme one by one, carried out criticism and self-criticism, and combined with the actual work, talked about understanding, talk about experience, and talk about plans。

  After listening to the company party committee team members one by one,Yang Rusong pointed out in his comments,The Party committee of the trading group focused on the theme of the meeting,The preparation before the meeting is full and the arrangement is compact,Drive seriously and productively,We exchanged ideas, examined problems and made clear the direction,The goal of "unity - criticism - unity" has been achieved,The expected effect was achieved。

  Yang Rusong stressed that it is necessary to deepen theoretical study and speak clearly about politics。坚持不懈用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想凝心铸魂,衷心拥护“两个确立”、忠诚践行“两个维护”,紧跟总书记、奋进新征程、建功新时代。It is necessary to focus on the investigation and rectification of the problem。We will further improve the implementation plans and measures for rectification, clarify the specific timetable, road map, and task book, and earnestly ensure that everything is echoed and everything is implemented。Take the initiative to take responsibility for the work, do solid work and perform good duties。Effectively enhance the sense of urgency that "slow progress is retreat, and no progress is retreat", with a sense of responsibility that is always at ease, and a spirit of active responsibility to perform a good job and do a good job。We must have the courage to revolutionize ourselves and change our style from strict to practical。Continue to promote the wind of investigation and research, go to the grass-roots line in the field of responsibility, experience the truth, dissect the sparrow, and fully grasp the real situation。

  Wu Shiwei said that it will seriously understand, strictly implement, and do its best to do the "second half of the article" of the theme education.。Problem-oriented rectification, truly grasp the courage of "scraping the bone to cure the poison", grasp the implementation of the spirit of "nail", and ensure that the rectification is in place one by one and truly see results。Consolidate the rectification results with a long-term mechanism, set down the experience practices with documents, fix the activity results with the system, and truly transform the pioneering and innovative concept, strong and powerful measures, and the truth-seeking and pragmatic style into the daily behavior and conscious action of Party members and cadres。To rectify the results to promote the work, scientific and systematic planning of the work, strengthen the results-oriented, problem-oriented, with a strict style of work, real measures, fight posture, fast pace resolutely shoulder the task objectives, and vigorously create a strong atmosphere of responsibility and close implementation。