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  According to the spiritual requirements of the superior document notification, on the afternoon of December 27, the Group company carried out the "Discipline Law Education Month" activity and organized to watch the warning educational film "Forever blowing the Vanguard Number I"。Group company party committee leaders, heads of departments, main responsible persons of subsidiaries, representatives of party members of each branch, active party members, youth members and employee representatives participated。

  The film focuses on the details of the cases of several corrupt officials, describing in detail the changes in their thinking after they entered the leadership position, some were corrupted by money, some developed from taking bribes to demanding bribes, and some changed from "grain keeper" to "master rat" in the grain warehouse.。It is mainly the collapse of ideals and beliefs, leading to departure from the original intention of joining the party。

  Through watching the warning education film, the purpose is to educate and guide everyone to further tighten the string of discipline, continue to strengthen the legal concept, tree law and discipline awareness。The participants said that they should not only take the case as a warning, but also continuously improve their self-restraint ability;It is also necessary to firmly establish a correct world outlook, power outlook, career outlook, clear life, clean work, practice the original intention and mission of party members with their own practical actions, and strive to contribute due strength to the high-quality development of enterprises。