2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the occasion of the 30th National Day of Helping the Disabled, the 2020 "National Day of Helping the Disabled" wheelchair donation activity initiated by the Municipal Charity Federation and the Municipal Association for the Physically Disabled kicked off in the square of Hubin Garden Community in Ngee An District。The Municipal Trading Group Company actively responded to the call of the Municipal Charity Federation and the Municipal Association of the Physically Disabled, and took the initiative to arrange the young employee Comrade Hu Quanzhu to participate in the "National Day of Helping the Disabled" volunteer service activities。

  During the activity, Hu Quan, a young employee, actively pulled banners, placed display boards, carried wheelchair boxes, and pasted propaganda slogans;Assemble wheelchair equipment, support the disabled elderly, maintain the order of the scene, the whole activity is very smooth, has been highly appreciated by many old comrades。

  As a city-owned state-owned enterprise, we will actively fulfill our corporate social responsibility and mission responsibility, take the initiative to participate in various volunteer service activities, show the style of state-owned enterprise employees with a fuller spirit, and contribute our due strength to accelerate the construction of modern, happy and beautiful new Tongling。