2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the morning of October 26, the Party branch of the group company held a party member meeting。Group company Party working committee group leaders to participate in the meeting as ordinary party members。

  The meeting listened to the development object Wang Na, Cui Meng, Li Yingying three comrades on the basic personal situation, the motivation to join the party report;The introducer introduced the relevant situation during the investigation of the three comrades Wang Na, Cui Meng and Li Yingying;The branch committee reported the political review report of the three comrades Wang Na, Cui Meng and Li Yingying;The participating party members expressed their opinions on whether the three comrades Wang Na, Cui Meng and Li Yingying could join the Party。Finally, all party members attending the meeting unanimously adopted Wang Na, Cui Meng and Li Yingying as probationary Party members from the development object of Party membership by secret ballot。

  会议指出,要牢固树立党员宗旨意识,从思想上政治上行动上自觉同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致,增强“四个意识”,坚定“四个自信”,做到“两个维护”。We must faithfully fulfill the obligations of party members, resolutely be consistent in thought and action, and demonstrate the mission and responsibility of Party members with practical actions。To high standards and strict requirements, conscientiously perform their duties, practical work, give full play to the vanguard role of party members, and strive to contribute due strength to the reform and development of the group company。