2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  In order to further promote the study and education of the Party history, we will continue to go deep and solid, and make the study and education of the Party history "sound and colored" rich。On the afternoon of July 16, the Group company carried out the 12th "Party History Education Day" and this month's theme "Party Day" activities。Organized all Party members, active Party members and some youth members to watch the Party centennial tribute film "1921"。

  The film focuses on the magnificent and groundbreaking historical moment in 1921, vividly restoring the image of the revolutionary pioneer during the founding of the Communist Party of China, and reproducing the difficult and brilliant process of party building。Through the main clue of convening the CPC National Congress, it highlighted the great feelings of the revolutionary forefathers who struggled to save the nation from danger and revitalize China, profoundly revealed the original intention and mission of the Communist Party of China to seek happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, and taught a vivid "Party history lesson" for all personnel.。

  Only by understanding history can we see further;Keep the original heart, can go further。After the movie,Everyone said,We should inherit and carry forward the fine style of the older generation of revolutionaries, which is loyalty to the Party, modesty and prudence, and hard work,Always maintain a vigorous and enterprising spirit,Always preserve the party's advanced nature and purity,With more firm faith, pragmatic style,Put your heart and soul into your future work,Interpret the mission and responsibility of "trading person" with practical actions。