2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  Autumn September, the annual traditional festival "Mid-Autumn Festival" is coming, in order to better understand the customs and origins of the Mid-Autumn Festival, to further inherit traditional Chinese culture。On the morning of September 17, the fourth Party branch of the Municipal Trading Group carried out a mooncake DIY activity with the theme of "Full moon, national celebration"。

  In the activity, everyone interacts with each other, some mix powder, some bag trap;Others use molds to press the raw materials into shape。Everyone is enjoying the fun of doing it themselves;They discussed the origin of traditional customs such as eating moon cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival。By carrying out this activity, it has greatly improved the practical ability of Party members and the mastery of traditional cultural knowledge of the Mid-Autumn Festival。

  After the event, everyone said that the activity is very meaningful, not only to enhance the mutual understanding between party members, but also to enrich the spiritual and cultural life, for the next step to actively build a unique corporate culture of Jiangbei company laid a solid foundation。