2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the afternoon of July 27, the Group company organized a regular meeting of the Party building work in the third quarter of 2022 in the division of the Transportation company, and the party branch secretaries, organization members and relevant responsible persons of the transportation company attended the meeting。Group company Party committee deputy secretary Fang Jinsong to guide。


  Fang Jinsong pointed out that it is necessary to continuously strengthen ideological and political construction, widely gather ideological consensus, consolidate the cornerstone of faith, and make political theory become an action force to promote social development。It is necessary to strengthen the construction of grass-roots Party organizations, always adhere to the center and serve the overall situation, and take production and operation, project construction, and rural revitalization as the starting point of work, and constantly promote the healthy development of various undertakings at the grass-roots level。It is necessary to firmly establish the brand awareness of party building, closely focus on the outstanding characteristics of the unit in a certain aspect or a certain field, and actively create a distinctive brand that is loud, influential and obvious in the overall situation and even in the industry, and meet the Party's twenty major victories with excellent results。