2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the afternoon of December 15th,Comrade He Chenglong, Party secretary and chairman of the Group company, took the theme of "How to show new responsibilities and new acts in promoting Chinese modernization" as the theme,For the group company's party committee team members, middle-level and above management personnel, staff members, party activists, staff members and youth members on a wonderful thematic party lesson。

  He Chenglong based on the report of the Party's 20th National Congress,I will exchange and discuss with you mainly from four aspects: first, the background and international environment of Chinese modernization;Second, the characteristics, essential requirements and strategic stages of Chinese-style modernization;Third, Chinese modernization cannot be achieved without high-quality development.Fourth, how does Tongling Exchange combine its own work,Show new responsibilities and new achievements in promoting Chinese modernity。

  He Chenglong stressed that all party members, cadres and staff should earnestly fulfill the responsibilities and missions of state-owned enterprises in the new era and new journey, maintain strategic focus, and strive to promote high-quality development;We should strengthen bottom-line thinking and focus on preventing and defusing risks.We must adhere to comprehensive and strict self-governance of the Party and gather strong positive energy。Under the guidance of the 20 spirit of the Party, in accordance with the strategic arrangement of Chinese-style modernization, with high-quality development as the leader, the company does a solid job in party building, transformation and development, risk prevention and other work, and strives to contribute due strength to the successful realization of the high-quality development of our city and the Chinese-style modernization construction goal。