2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style


First party group

  At the group study meeting, He Chenglong, secretary of the Party Working Committee and chairman, exchanged with the group members as a veteran party member and head of a state-owned enterprise。He said that the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people from one victory to another, from the agrarian revolution, the War of resistance against Japanese aggression, the War of liberation, reform and opening up to today's construction of a modern country, and the Chinese nation has become increasingly strong, relying on a spirit of perseverance。As the new era came into being, Tongling Exchange must adhere to the absolute leadership of the Party, continue to deepen reform and promote its own transformation。Through learning, all party members of the company, especially comrades of the team and comrades in charge of the department, should firmly tree "four consciousness", firm "four self-confidence", practice "two maintenance", do not forget the original heart, keep in mind the mission, and interpret the loyalty of the trading people to the Party with practical actions。To adhere to the position of virtue and talent, all Party members and cadres should adapt to the development of the situation, effectively play the vanguard role of party members, based on their own positions, take the lead in strengthening learning, and unite and lead the masses to contribute their due strength to the deepening of the reform and transformation of the company。要对照习近平总书记提出的国企深化改革“三个有利于”方针要求和近期召开的全国国有企业改革座谈会精神,We will focus on improving the corporate system, exploring mixed ownership reform, establishing market-based operation mechanisms, advancing supply-side reform, and strengthening reform of the authorized operation system and supervision of state-owned assets,Analyze the difficulty thoroughly,Be well prepared,Solve the problem,Make concerted efforts to maintain and increase the value of state-owned assets,Achieve the company to do better, stronger and bigger。

Second party group

  In the activity, all party members also combined with learning to talk about their own positions, talk about experience, talk about deficiencies, and talk about plans。

Third party group

Fourth party group