2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the morning of March 10th,The third Party branch of the group company held a branch committee,传达学习《欧洲杯官方买球网址》、《让党旗在新征程上高高飘扬—<中国共产党章程(修正案)>诞生记》等节选内容,And watched the micro video;Summed up the branch work in February,The branch work in March was discussed and studied。

  会议指出,要认真学习习近平总书记关于中国式现代化的重要论述,全面领会深刻内涵,切实掌握核心要义,树牢“四个意识”,坚定“四个自信”,做到“两个维护”。It is necessary to further innovate the forms of branch activities, give full play to the subjective initiative of party members and cadres, and actively build a party building brand with the characteristics of the branch。It is necessary to combine the problems existing in the organization of life branch teams and individuals, carefully summarize and comprehensively rectify, ensure that real results are achieved, and strive to contribute to the high-quality development of the party building work of the group company。