2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  5月9日下午,欧洲杯官方买球网址第四党支部召开支委会,传达学习《欧洲杯官方买球网址》《2024欧洲杯下注平台》等节选内容。Summarized the work of the party branch in April, discussed and studied the work of the party branch in May。

  会议指出,要深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,衷心拥护“两个确立”,忠诚践行“两个维护”,不断提升自身政治理论素养。We must do a good job of developing party members, strictly follow the process links, effectively absorb excellent backbones into the party organization, and ensure that the annual development of party members is completed in high quality。It is necessary to actively build a characteristic party building brand, further broaden the horizon on the basis of the investigation and guidance of professional personnel in the early stage, truly form a party building brand with the characteristics of the branch, and promote the party building work of the Group company to a new level。