2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the morning of June 16th,On July 1, the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China is approaching,Jiangbei Port railway special line company party branch joint company trade union,Jointly organize party members and employees of the company to go to Duxiu Garden and Deng Jiaxian's former residence,Visit the monument site of revolutionary ancestors,Visit the exhibition of heroic deeds,Party Day activities with the theme of "Remembering revolutionary martyrs and inheriting Red Genes" were carried out。This is a continuous red blood patriotism education activity, but also a heritage of selfless dedication of the clean culture theme education activities。

  The first stop of the trip is the "Duxiu Garden" where the tomb of Chen Duxiu, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China is located.。In the exhibition hall of Chen Duxiu's life story, under the guidance of the staff, everyone listened carefully to the explanation, carefully looked at the picture introduction and physical exhibition, and felt Chen Duxiu's great and legendary life。


  In front of the giant statue of Chen Duxiu in the center of the garden, all the staff stood in silence and respect。Under the oath of Party branch Secretary Zhang Yelai, all Party members revisited the oath to join the Party。In front of the mausoleum of Chen Duxiu, all the workers presented the flower basket, bowed in silence and expressed their condolences with incomparable reverence for the revolutionary ancestors。

  The second stop of this trip is the "Iron Yanshan House", which is the birthplace of Deng Jiaxian, the "originator of two bombs"。Under the guidance of the docentors, we visited the exhibition hall such as the Tie Yan Mountain Room and the Two Bombs Memorial Hall, browse the Deng family tree, and review the story of Deng Jiaxian, the founding father of the two bombs。

  Deng Jiaxian closely linked his personal ideals with the destiny of his motherland,Closely link individual aspirations with national rejuvenation,Will love the motherland, selfless dedication,The spirit of "two bombs and one star" is self-reliance, hard work, strong collaboration and courage to climb,Engraved on the land of China forever,It has become a precious spiritual wealth and an inexhaustible source of motivation for the people of all ethnic groups in the country。

  Everyone said that a promising country cannot be without pioneers, and a hopeful nation cannot be without heroes。The process of the older generation of scientists creating "two bombs and one star" embodies the strong spirit of patriotism and scientific and technological innovation;It is the sacrifice of the martyrs that we have a happy and peaceful life today。We must inherit and carry forward the precious spiritual wealth of the "two bombs and one star" spirit, continue the red blood, inherit the revolutionary torch, seize the day and live up to our youth。