2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  In order to further enrich the form of party building activities, on July 14, the first Party branch of the G3 Railway Bridge Project Department of the China Railway Bridge Bureau and the second Party branch of the Group company went to the Memorial Hall of the River Crossing Campaign and the Anhui Hall of Fame to jointly carry out the theme of "Party Day" activities of "learning ideology, strong Party spirit, heavy practice, and building new achievements"。

  In the Memorial Hall of the River Crossing Campaign, Zhao Yi, secretary of the first Party branch of the G3 Public Railway Bridge Project Department, led all Party members to face the party flag, hold high the right fist, solemnly swear, and review the oath to join the Party in the sonorous words, expressing the firm determination of party loyalty。Party members under the guidance of the docent,Visit the six exhibition halls of pre-war situation, battle preparation, breakthrough of river defense, victory of battle, people's support and heroic achievements in turn,Through a large number of physical objects, pictures and cultural relics,Dialogue with history,Connect with heroes,Feel the heroism of the battle of Xiliang Mountain, the urgency of the beach landing, and the heaviness of the Martyrs' list Hall,The Party has united and led the people in overcoming difficulties through untold hardships,A revolutionary journey to create miracles。

  In the Anhui Hall of Fame, all party members followed the guidance of the docent and visited the eight exhibition halls in turn. Along the historical track, across time and space, Anhui celebrities and characteristic culture unfolded slowly in front of them like a picture scroll。Through pictures, diagrams, text introduction, and physical models, people further understood the stories of Anhui celebrities, felt the long history and bright civilization of Anhui, and felt the spirit of Anhui people in politics, military, science and technology, economy and other fields of self-improvement, the pursuit of the ultimate craftsman spirit and the noble feelings of having the world in mind。

  By jointly carrying out the theme "Party Day" activities, all Party members and comrades received a profound revolutionary tradition education。Everyone said that we should inherit the glorious tradition of revolutionary predecessors, inherit the red gene, practice the original mission, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members in their own posts, and make greater contributions to the construction of G3 Tongling Yangtze River Highway and Railway Bridge with practical actions。