2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the afternoon of January 26, the first Party branch of the Group company held a party member conference, and the members of the Party committee of the company participated as ordinary party members。The meeting was divided into two phases。

  在第一阶段主题教育专题组织生活会上,与会党员集体学习了习近平总书记关于总体国家安全观、维护安全稳定工作等重要论述。Party branch secretary Gao Yaqin, on behalf of the branch committee, informed the conference about the development of theme education in the Party branch, summarized the highlights of the work, and proposed the next work arrangement。Party members closely follow the theme of the meeting, in view of their own problems, in connection with reality, to carry out criticism and self-criticism。In view of their own existing problems, in connection with the reality, to carry out criticism and self-criticism。We are open and honest, do not beat around the bush, do not beat around the bush, hit the pain points, clarify the difficulties, and achieve the purpose of unifying ideas, enhancing solidarity, mutual supervision and common improvement。

  In the second stage of the party branch election conference, Gao Yaqin made a work report on behalf of the previous branch committee, and made a summary and review of the work of the branch in recent three years。The meeting conducted a general election in strict accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and the Regulations on the Work of Grass-roots Party Organizations of the Communist Party of China and State Organs, and elected a new term of branch members by secret ballot and competitive election。

  新一届支委表示,将始终坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入学习贯彻党的二十大精神,衷心拥护“两个确立”,忠诚践行“两个维护”。In the face of new situations, new tasks and new requirements, we will always put strengthening our own construction in a prominent position, conscientiously organize learning, improve the level of work, actively explore new ways of party building, constantly enhance the creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the Party branch, and promote the construction of the Party branch to a new level。