2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Project construction

  On the morning of June 14, the Municipal People's Congress Work Research Association inspected the construction of G3 Tongling Yangtze River Highway and Railway Bridge project, a major transportation infrastructure construction project in Tongling's 14th Five-Year Plan。The old leader of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress Zhao Guide, Tang Shiding, the deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the president of the work of the Municipal People's Congress Chen Changsheng, some of the former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and the members of the research Association participated in the inspection, the Party secretary of the group company, the chairman He Chenglong, the relevant person in charge of the China Railway Bridge Bureau accompanied the inspection。

  The research group went to the site to observe the hoisting of the 4th section of the world's largest round dumbbell steel cofferdam for the No. 3 main pier and the pouring of the foundation platform for the No. 4 main pier, watched the 3D animation video and part of the physical model of the bridge, listened to the introduction of the construction organization and process, and conducted a discussion。

  The research society highly commended the relevant departments of our city for seizing the opportunity,Overcome difficulties,The courage and measures to quickly promote major infrastructure construction projects,At the same time, the G3 Tongling Yangtze River Railway Bridge is regarded as the largest single construction project since the city was built,It will further deepen the status of transportation hub in central and southern Anhui for our city,Speed up integration into the Yangtze River Delta,It plays an important role in promoting the rapid and high-quality development of the city's economy。The research institute also put forward valuable opinions and suggestions on the construction management of the bridge。