2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Project construction

  In order to explore G3 Tongling Yangtze River Railway Bridge, Jiangbei Port railway special line and other projects in the later construction, operation and maintenance management experience, broaden the management and operation of G347 Tanggou toll station。On the afternoon of March 18, Tang Shicai, deputy general manager of the Group company, led a team to Anhui Wutong Yangtze River Highway Co., Ltd. for investigation and study。Wu copper company general manager Zeng Yong, deputy general manager Wang Zunbiao participated in related activities。Group company planning and development department, engineering department and other relevant department heads accompanied the inspection。

  At the meeting, the two sides respectively discussed the problems and difficulties in the G3 Tongling Yangtze River Railway Bridge, Jiangbei Port railway special line and other projects, and listened to the relevant opinions。

  Tang Shicai thanked Wu Copper Company for its unreserved experience, and pointed out that the discussion and exchange of the group company's recent key project work has guiding significance, hoping that the two sides can further strengthen communication and exchange。At the same time, it is also hoped that the Wu copper company can give professional guidance and help to the G347 Tanggou toll station project。

  Zeng Yong said that as a shareholder of Wuhu Copper Company, the exchange Group is duty-bound to help each other, and hopes that the two sides can jointly explore and seek further cooperation in other projects to achieve bigger and stronger。